Benefits of TANCET Exam


The Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET), a state level MBA entrance test is conducted by the Anna University for acquiring an admission to post graduate courses. The benefits of TANCET exam have helped thousands of aspirants to seek admission in the MBA programmes of Anna University where over 100 institutes accept TANCET scores in the state of Tamil Nadu.

Benefits of TANCET Exam

Satisfactory Educational Qualification

Candidates who appear for the TANCET exam should hold a Bachelor’s degree with a  minimum of 3 years duration and should have secured at least 50 per cent overall at the graduate level. The major benefits of TANCET exam are that candidates who appear in the final year of the under-graduation course are also eligible to appear for the TANCET exam.

Single Application Form

Filling the TANCET application form is so simple as it includes all the participating institutes. All the MBA aspirants can fill the form via online in the official website by choosing their preferred course in the registration form. After submitting the online application form, a hard copy of TANCET registration form has to be sent to the Secretary along with a demand draft which makes sure you can write the exam.

Low Exam Fee

You can see the difference in the fee structure for the TANCET exam because the fee payment is comparatively low when compared with other competitive exams. The TANCET exam is really competitive. If you score well after rigorous preparation, you will get a counselling call on the very first day of the first or second batch without further delay, and you will get admission in top colleges in TN.

Seats will be available rarely on the second day of counselling. So, ensure to clear TANCET with high scores.

Benefits of TANCET Exam

Simple Exam Pattern

The exam pattern adds benefits of TANCET exam by playing a vital role to drive the preparations of exams such as Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test (TANCET). TANCET, being a pen and paper-based test does not exceed the time frame of 2-hours.

The aspirants will get a question based on the MCQ test wherein they have to attempt the five sections by choosing the right answers. The exam comprises 100 questions and not more like other exams which have 200 or 400 MCQ’s.

Vicinity of Test Centres

The TANCET exam is conducted in five test centres of Tamil Nadu. The main benefits of TANCET exam are that applicants can choose from the available test centre locations which are near to their vicinity.  Choosing the most convenient locations can save the time for the candidates on the travelling efforts. Nevertheless, the exam conducting authority has the final right to allocate the exam centre.

An Easy Gateway for MBA Admission

TANCET exam is a gateway where more than 100 institutes run MBA programmes in Tamil Nadu. All the B-Schools under Anna University will accept the TANCET score to grant admission to the MBA aspirants. Although the TANCET exam specifies the eligibility criteria, it is mandatory for the candidates to check the eligibility requirements for each college.

A Boon to the Technical Aspirants

There are also a certain set of candidates who excel better in the technical stream like M. Tech, M.C.A. etc. and who don’t wish to do MBA. Whereas, TANCET can be a boon for all the aspiring students who wish to continue their higher education other than MBA like M. Tech, M.C.A, M. Plan, M. Arch.

Thus, always doing a post-graduation in any stream will definitely add a value to education and will definitely create more benefits of TANCET exam in the long run. As we are moving ahead, educational importance is also growing rapidly.

You will be recognized if you hold a masters degree as a candidate can find it easier to clear all the subjects as he/she has an insight of the subjects roughly. Even today, there are MNCs which provide opportunities for the employees to do their post-graduation courses to excel better.

Advantages of Taking TANCET 2022

  • It is an esteemed test perceived by most colleges
  • Makes you ready and trained
  • Makes ready for a brilliant and remunerating vocation
  • Opens the entryway for additional potential open doors and sets you up for showing up in other cutthroat tests and clearing them easily.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the use of TANCET exam?

The Benefits of TANCET Exam is for students who wish to pursue higher education in Tamil Nadu. It is a mandatory requirement for admission into the postgraduate courses offered by the participating colleges in the state.    

What should I do after TANCET result?

After the TANCET result, candidates who have qualified the exam can start applying to the colleges of their choice based on their TANCET score. The participating colleges will release their individual cutoff scores, and candidates who meet the cutoff will be eligible for admission. The benefits of TANCET Exam are huge and can get a higher post with a better job opportunity.

What is a good score in TANCET?  

A good score in TANCET depends on the course and college you are targeting. The TANCET exam is scored out of 100, and a score of 70-80 or above is considered a good score for most courses. However, the cutoff scores vary from college to college and year to year, so it is best to check the individual college cutoff scores and admission requirements before applying. The benefits of TANCET Exam with having good score can help the student to get best job. 


TANCET 2022 is a significant test which is directed by Anna University Chennai for admission to MBA 2022 and different courses in the territory of Tamil Nadu. The TANCET test is of moderate trouble level and has two hours term.

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